Friday, July 28, 2006
When all else fails..
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
Before going to the dentist, I decided to enroll myself in a spanish language class. (Another proof of my procrastination) If you didn't know me, you would probably think it was an impulsive decision. But actually it wasn't. I've been wanting to advance my knowledge of the spanish language since forever that I've actually taken the first level twice. This will be my third time, hopefully the last of my first level experience. I plan to go all the way, or at least as far as I could go. My predicament now is that I can't decide whether I should go after work on weekdays or once a week on weekends. Going on weekdays would get me to the advanced level faster, but the schedule isn't that great since class would finish late at night, and it isn't exactly located in the best part of town. Going on weekends would take much longer, twice as long as the weekday schedule. Oh well, decision decision.
I came to work today sporting a headache. I wouldn't have come in at all if not for the trouble it would cost me. So here I am, in one of those boring meetings, hoping they wouldn't notice that I am paying zero attention to their babbling.
I'm meeting my friend tonight for our usual dinner/movie thing. I wonder what we will watch. I've seen all the good ones and so has he. I'm really not looking forward to watching anything that would entail brain function, I'd be happy with good food and a drink.
Moving On
Time offers the only foolproof way to understand the importance of any relationship. I’m not talking about the length of the relationship itself (that's not a valid indicator, no, not at all). I’m talking about the time it takes to finally let go.
He was the one who made the final speech but I knew that we were headed there. We met in a coffee shop, public enough to control the situation, control me, should it get out of hand. We made small talk for a moment and then I was silent. If he was going to be the one ending the relationship, he was the one who was going to have to make the speech. He did. "I will always love you, but..." was the basic gist of it. I was silent. Not a single tear, not a single whimper, not a single word of protest. (I found out later that he should have used the “I found someone else” speech) I sat for probably two minutes, forcing myself not to give in to the urge of hurling something in his direction. What for? I knew it was over even before it ended, I was expecting it. But nothing really prepares you for the inevitable no matter how much you tell yourself that its better this way. But what if? What if? What if? I couldn’t deny what I felt. I was shattered.
It was the first time I fell in love. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been in relationships before, but nothing like this. This was the first time I gave in to the intense need of my soul to connect with someone else. The first time I put down all my defenses and let someone in. I gave in and suffered the consequences. I still am. I’d like to think that I live my life without any regrets. I believe that one should stand firm in every decision one makes. As life throws you punches you either roll with it or you stand your ground. Either way, you get over it. But as my pain consumed me, I found myself unsure of how to move on. I’m a strong person. I thrive in my independence. And there I was, broken, and there was nothing I could do but feel the pain and hope against hope that it would end soon.
I stopped living. I merely existed. No one knew of the battle I was going through. Not my family, not my friends. Only a couple of my most trusted friends knew, and even then they did not know the extent of the damage done. Sometimes I actually found myself quite amusing, it felt like all the bloody clichés in the world applied to me. (World shattering, heart breaking and all that) I tried picking up the pieces and go through the motions of life. Yes, as embarrassed as I was to admit, I realized that I was just as gullible as the next person, I was fooled. I mean, what the hell was I thinking? I allowed my world to revolve around the two of us, and when it was over I was lost. And now I have to pay the price.
So why, if the memories are bittersweet, do I find myself rehashing old wounds? I guess it’s because I believe that you can never really move forward till you’ve let go of the past. Till you’ve had closure and understand the reasons behind the reasons. It has been a while, more than a year… almost two… Moments of remembering ar now far and between still I know I have yet to fully recover. Each time I take one step forward I brace myself for the fear that tries to overpower me. The insecurity that overwhelms me. The thing is, how does one move on? Literally move on. I find myself wanting to escape to a new life, a new city, a new job, new friends and most importantly wanting a new me. I want it so much I can feel it to the depths of my soul.
William Shakespeare says, "Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none."
I did all three. But I guess I should focus more on number two next time. Some people just don't know how to handle love; they end up hurting you instead of loving you back. Might it be true that not all people deserve to be loved?
Still, I remember that night quite vividly. I remember the feeling. I realized that emotional ties may simply come to erode and fray with time and, finally (unexpectedly), snap one day. I discovered that hearts may (in fact, may even need to)…someday…simply let go.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Sleep Anyone?
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Although it's been a long-standing expression of mine, I've picked it up again over the weekend during my Grey's anatomy DVD marathon. I actually finished season 1 & 2 during my weekend hibernation without any hiccups. Ok that was a weekend an a half. I decided to take the two days complimentary leave I had to give myself some "me" time. I quite liked it really, Grey's anatomy, if not for Meredith Grey being such a wimp and a disgrace to all women every now and then. But I guess it's here flawed nature that endears her to most viewers. Her lack of good judgement during a crisis reminds us all of ourselves. And who am I to judge really? If I myself am nothing but flawed as well. The thing I like most about shows like these though is that I get to play the 'what if?' game. I ask myself what would I do if faced with that kind of situation. Then I grade myself depending on the level of the intellectual and emotional maturity of my answers. I know, I really do need to get a life. But hey, it's all good.
Well anyway, one of the reasons I went in hibernation last weekend was to figure out what I wanted to do in my life. Or at least what I wanted to do in the next year or so. I went through brochures and figured out my plan of action. First of all, I've finally scheduled an appointment with the freaking dentist. I know, big deal. But I've put it off for as long as I can so believe me when I say that this is a good thing.
I've looked into the classes I'd like to take, the tests, and some courses. I'm not going to go into details since I could be a bit superstitious about these things believing that if you tell the whole world then it won't happen. I still need to prepare a more detailed plan but I'm happy knowing that I'm on the road to recovery.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Let it Rain!
I'm probably the only person enjoying the rain. I'm one of those few people who gets really happy when it rains. I can't help it, it's just perfect bed weather. And I do luv my bed.
I'm happy because last night was pretty fun. My friends and I decided to hold a get together in my place. There were about eight of us trying to squeeze in. Take note that my unit is probably only good for 4 people. I was tempted to ask the others to stand in the toilet but I thought that might be a bit rude. It was really fun though since I didn't have enough utensils so we had to go back to basics. It was either that or use chopsticks for roast chicken. We're nationalistic though so we ended up using our hands. Imagine what the Canadian people would have to say. Just try it buster! Ok, I'm getting side-tracked again. Anyway, it was great, we took some pictures and gossiped a lot. That's mostly how we spent the evening really, we gossiped and made fun of people. You should try it sometime, it's a great stress reliever. Much better than those squeegee balls.
So here I am. Wishing I took the day off, stayed in bed and watched DVDs. I'm now seriously thinking of buying some new DVDs. Maybe "Grey's Anatomy" just to see what the hype is all about. I was thinking of getting the latest season of "Gilmore Girls" but that might just be a bit too nerdy of me. Hmm, decisions decisions.
Shit. I have to get back to work.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Ho hum
Ok, so there's only so much tublerous sclerosis, sarcoidosis, arrhytmia and lumbar punctures one can take. After a while it can get kinda predictable and you get kinda tired of all the slicing and dicing of people. And the female doctor got a bit annoying in the end for always being so emotional, I would think that she is starting to give women a bad image. What I really liked though was that the Dr.House chose fellows who were real. Not only were they smart but they were grounded too, one even had a criminal record. And did I say I liked the dry wit and sarcastic humor of the cast. I learned a lot.
So yes, I don't think the weekend was a complete waste. I even took yesterday off since I really felt I over did it at work last week. I just might get more DVDs later...
Friday, July 07, 2006
Socks & Friends
Thursday, July 06, 2006
I Pray Because...
I pray because I am young, inexperienced;
And there is my whole life ahead of me
And to be able to travel and journey this road of life
I need strength.
I pray because there is much confusion in my life;
And to know what is right
I need guidance.
I pray because I have my own doubts and uncertainties;
And to keep growing in my faith
I need encouragement.
I pray because I must make decisions;
Sometimes serious and crucial decisions,
But the choices are not always clear
So I need direction.
I pray because many times I feel so lost, down,
Troubled, lonely – at times even wanting to give up
And to keep going
I need comfort and consolation.
I pray because there are things, which I do not understand;
Cannot comprehend and I become afraid – like pain,
Suffering, injustice, death – evil all around me –
And to be able to face and deal with themI need courage.
I pray because at times I go proud, vain, arrogant, conceited;
And to be reminded of my true nature – a sinful creature
I need to be humbled.
I pray because I have come to realize
That most of what I have has just been given to me –
And they are not really mine – So I must give thanks.
And most of all, I pray because
Jesus our Lord himself prayed, to the Father, to our Father
And if he considered it of value…so must I.
Oh Crap!
I know, I know. I’m a crappy writer. I don't even deserve to be called one. God knows though that I have to start practicing if I ever want to get anywhere on those freaking essays!
Some days, the words come easily. Sometimes, though, there are simply too many...way too many...thoughts. It’s hard to craft a sentence when thoughts (or fragments thereof) clamor incessantly inside my skull, begging. It doesn't help either that these thoughts usually present themselves in the middle of the night, when everything falls silent. If only I could remember what it was exactly I wanted to express, if I could form my words just so it’s coherent enough to make some bloody sense instead of all this verbal mush coming out of my mouth! ( Or in this case, my fingers.)
It’s a trap though, the words “if only”. Once you start, an endless string of problems would follow. If only this, if only that would never end. The envy, the jealousy, the regret would begin.
It’s an ugly phrase, “if only”.
It's almost as bad as “I didn’t think”.
I think I just lost my train of thought here...
My Friend
I've been procrastinating over this for a few days now. Trying to figure out a way to face up to how I feel and trying to find the courage to voice it out.
I can probably give you a million reasons why I think she shouldn't get married…But really, is it really about her? or is it just about me? Instead of bitching about it let me tell you a little bit about this friend of mine…
She's Patient, you have to be to be able to put up with my crap. We've only had a few disagreements (if I can even call it that) but mostly it's my fault really. You see, I can be such a drama queen sometimes that even I irritate the hell out of myself.
She's great with kids. Yes people, she's a teacher. I have to admit that not a lot of people give a great deal of respect to this profession but seeing her dedication has brought a new light to it.
She's passionate. Ok, you have to be to be able to work with children every single day of your life. Remember all those four letter words? (not the rude ones people!) She's an expert at those.
Faith. She’s one of those people who’s faith in God is so strong that she doesn’t have to brag about it. She’s the person I run to when I need prayers coz you’re sure that he will listen to her.
She never preaches. You see, I’m weary of people who brags about their faith then turn out to be hypocrites. It's one of my major disappointments in life yet she never pushes, she simply understands.
She has a great sense of humor. (though sometimes really corny!) They say you can tell how smart a person is by their sense of humor. I mean where can you ever find someone who would voluntarily associate themself with the bananas in pyjamas duo?!
She over analyzes. Ok that’s not exactly a good thing, but in my book that’s good. That means you’re smart and you’re not a pushover and that’s exactly how she is.
I can probably enumerate a million good qualities about her. Maybe you'll get it and maybe you won't. The important thing is I do, I get it. She's my best friend and I love her. She’s the sister I never had. We’re so similar sometimes (I just whine a whole lot more) yet so different.
I watched the documentary directed by Michael Moore the other day and it astounds me just how ignorance of a person is just as bad as an incurable disease.
Don’t get me wrong, I come from a country where corruption is simply laughed at. So there really is no use for the pot to call the kettle black. But seriously, it amazes me how conscience is simply a word of the past.
In my line of work I’ve met a lot of foreigners. Some of them are nice while the others make me wonder if they were ever loved by their mothers. Occasionally I would meet someone who thinks that we still live in trees. I like to laugh at their face and at their ignorance. I pity them sometimes. Other times I think that it’s mainly ignorance that brings countries to war.
Do you think if people just paid more attention to their government, the United States would be at war right now? Maybe, but maybe they would be at war with the right people. And maybe, just maybe lives wouldn’t be lost for nothing.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
The Real Life (3 Doors Down)
but I woke up to the real life and I realized It's not worth running from anymore when there was nowhere left to hide I found out that nothings real here but I won't stop now until I find a better part of me
I let those hard days get me down and all the things I hate got in my way I could've screamed without a sound I found myself silenced by those things they say
but I woke up to the real life and I realized It's not worth running from anymore when there was nowhere left to hide I found out that nothings real here but I won't stop now until I find a better part of me thats out there somewhere and It cant be that far away thats where I'll find myself and I'll find my way out that's where I'll find out
but I woke up to the real life and I realized It's not worth running from anymore when there was nowhere left to hide I found out that nothings real here but I won't stop now until I find a better part of me