Monday, October 12, 2009

The one...

Sometimes, you may be wondering if your partner is the 'one' or not? The one that you will experience many life experiences with such as marriage, the honeymoon, kids, family life and old age.

Well, there are some ways that you can tell that your partner is your truly soul mate. If you care for him deeply and find yourself wondering he is indeed the 'one' then ask yourself the following questions:

1. Does he have admirable integrity?

2. Is he the kind of person who does what he says he was going to do?

3. Does he finish what he starts?

4. Do you respect him as a person and as a man?

5. Do you feel that he respects you as a person and a woman?

6. Does he actually treat you with respect?

7. Does he make you feel special?

8. Does he make you feel important that you are an important part of his life?

9. Does he respect your opinions and views?

10. Is he proud when introducing you to his family and friends?

11. Is he considerate of your feelings?

12. Does he do anything to help solving your problems?

13. Does he give you to feel comfortable and secure in the relationship?

So, if you've said yes to most of these questions, then you're very likely with Mr. Right. Because Mr. Right is someone that can be good friend, a respectful friend, but he also can make your heart beat a little faster and he wants to share his joy in what he does with you. If someone or something is hurting you, then he wants to make it better even when all they can do is listen to you vent. He just wants to do what he can to fix it.

Finally, if you're still on the same page, then you're very likely with Mr. Right now because Mr. Right is someone who is going to embody most of these qualities. But remember, the last and most important to judge whether he is your soul mate or not, is your own heart. If your intuition, your gut, and your inner wise woman says, "yes, this is the one." Then you've found Mr. Right.

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