Tuesday, January 27, 2009

An Epiphany in the Shower

I was taking a shower when it dawned on me...I realized what I'm going to do next. As I've been contemplating what to do with my life, not knowing what to do next bothered me more than usual. Maybe because my birthday is just a couple of weeks away and I'm starting to feel the pressure of age being female and all. I'm just not sure what to aim for at this stage in my life. All my friends seem to aim to look for a man in their life. Some have succeeded and some have just turned desperate. I've also thought of buying my own place although I've never seriously considered it since I usually shy away from commitments. Yes even buying property takes commitment. I just never felt the need. But as I said, I was taking a shower when I realized that I should do it. I've never really had a home, neither has my mom and her mom. And having a home would not only make my mother and grandmother proud but I would also be fulfilling something that they never had. So there, I'm going to build a house.

Thank God for showers.


Anonymous said...

ey lost. =)

tagged you in my post. pass it on okay? hehe

Anonymous said...

Whoa. Double take.

A house? wooooT!!! good for you!

Lost said...

hey yah! don't worry bahay-bahayan lang yan!