Monday, March 02, 2009

So after a shouting match with the arrogant bi, I'm now trying to keep a low profile. I didn't really mean to get into a fight with him but as usual, the urge to defend (aka butt in!) won. I couldn't really just sit there and allow him to insult my friend right? Right!

I really hate it when people throw the phrase "you're being defensive"! I mean, really! Can't you come up with anything better to say? I guess their offense is their defense, or their defense is there offense. Hmm, whatever! The point is, I really feel bad for this dude. Being a certified true aquarian, I can say that I'm pretty good at empathizing. But still, it amazes me how most people have such low level of awareness. When you're an arrogant bastard, I'm sure there must be some indication pointing to the fact that you are an arrogant bastard. You can't just go through life acting like one and never realizing that the people surrounding you hates your guts!

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