Thursday, August 10, 2006

Last Night

I had a dream last night, and I can't get it out of my head.
It was so vivid i thought it was really happening but I remember actually thinking that it was only a dream. Imagine that, even in my dreams the cynic in me never fails to show itself. I remember the feelings inside me though. I remember trying to analyze them. I felt intrigued by what was going on around me and at the same time I felt insecure, so much so that I hesitated in confronting him and confronting my fears. Most of the time I deny my insecurities when I'm awake, but I guess you can never escape the truth.
Seriously though, it was a very cheesy, my dream. I remember that the man was a pilot, quite ridiculous since I don't know any at all. I was with my friend and I was looking at him (the pilot). We were in some kind of aircraft, a plane most probably since it looked like one but it felt more like a building than a plane. He was securing the place and making sure that the people were ok. We looked at each other and I knew what he was thinking. I'm not going to say what it was and risk sounding even more stupid but it felt like I was being challenged to believe and risk all that is important to me. Weird! Then I was back in my apartment, a different one from where I live now but I knew it was my place. He was siiting in his car outside, I would say just like a stalker. Haha! But not really. Anyway, I will stop there as I would really like to keep the details to myself.
I am writing about this because for some reason, and I don't know if this happens to anyone else, but usually my dreams happen in real life. Not right away though, usually about 2 or 3 years later. Not all of them, thank God as I remember I used to have a recurring dream about being chased by a killer! The other time I dreamt I was in this wedding and this girl warned me that I shouldn't pursue something that wasn't meant for me. I worried a bit about that but quickly forgot about it.
Oh well.


Kim Ayres said...

Dreams are always a bit funny. Mine never amount to anything - they seem so deep and meaningful at the time, but as soon as I try and tell someone about them they sound ridiculous. In fact I just saw this post over at one of my regular's sites that says it all for me

Lost said...

You're right, it says it all. In the heat of the moment I always think that my subconcious is trying to tell me something. An insight into the future maybe? But then I try explaining it and end up sounding like an idiot.

why I am me ? said...

Aahh comeon yaar share them !! I find it very interesting hearing others dreams, because my dreams are all fucked up .. hehee

Lost said...

I think we all are, in one way or another, fucked up. That's what makes us so special!