Monday, August 28, 2006


I've never been a fan of Pink. But upon hearing this song this morning I think I just might change my opinion. She may come off a bit strong but at least she is using her fame for somthing good. That's more than I could say for those people who are being paid to DO good.
I've never been a person who enjoyed talking about politics. I've always felt that there are facts not known to the public and that as good leaders, they are making well informed decisions. I've always had reservations stating my political views, I wouldn't want to come out as ignorant but also I know that there are just things that you cannot pass judgement on. Especially if your only basis for this judgement is the media.
This does not mean though that all is right. In fact, I believe it's the opposite. The oppression that plagues the world saddens me. It's sad how sometimes we take things for granted. The war for example, as people take sides, we forget that no matter what happens, the moment a single bullet is fired, nobody wins.The person that dies will always be somebody's son, father or brother. This then would create a never ending cycle of hate and revenge. But if we all just stop for a minute, stop pointing fingers at each other, and be quiet for a minute. Maybe then we would remember what we are, that we are just people trying to live our lives the best way we know how. I've always believed that one's freedom ends where another one's freedom begins. Respect. It comes down to that.
Listen to this song and you will know what I mean. Don't just listen though, let it flow freely to your heart and soul, absorb it and you will understand. And maybe, just maybe make you face the facts of the world, make you realize what the world has come to. And hopefully that will be a start, for all of us to get off our ass and reach out to others and make a good difference.
This song reflects makes a strong statement not only for the president of the United States but every persons being, every other dirty politician, every person in power, taking advantage of their position, stealing, and as the song says, paving their way to hell.
I don't know, but for me, this song is a reminder that the world is much bigger than us. That there's just so much out there if only we take the time to look.

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