Thursday, August 24, 2006

Movin Up!

sunset outside my window

I spent the weekend moving to my new apartment. It wasn't as painful as I thought it would be since my friends came over to help. I was quite lucky since I didn't have to move that far and unpacking turned out ok. I'm now trying to settle in, it's still difficult to sleep at night since I'm not used to the place and I keep getting up every two hours. Don't you just hate that?! I mean, I don't get enough sleep as it is and now I have to worry about adjusting to the new place.
I threw out a lot of my junk and it feels good. I feel lighter somehow. I look forward to somewhat being able to settle in. My problem really is that secretly, I have this thing about attachments. I don't like getting attached to anything or anyone. I feel like I have to be able to go anywhere and leave everything without anything holding me down.
Maybe someday I will be able to analyze it and find a way to get over it. But for now, I'm simply content with what it is I have...or don't have for that matter.

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