Thursday, September 07, 2006

Tag, you're it!

I tagged myself. I can't help it, it's contagious. I don't usually like doing this things, I find it too cheesy, but then you read another person's blog, and you feel like doing the same thing too. Happens all the time. Anyway, it's my blog so you can mind your own business if you don't like it.
Eye color: Dark brown
Hair color: I'm not sure, I keep changing it, somewhere between black and brown with some streaks...I think.
Piercing: Three on each ear (I'm tempted to get one on my tongue but I think I'm too old for that)
Tattoos: None (I'm tempted to get one too, but I'm too chicken!)
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Nope, none. I'm not sure I'm ready but there's gotta be somebody out there, right?
Overused phrase: Whatever/Seriously. (Whichever works for the moment)
Food: Japanese food. Love, love, love it!
Candy: Orange Tic Tacs (They're white but orange flavored)
Number: 1
Color: Purple
Animal: Dogs. (The real ones, not those wimpy toy dogs carried by Paris Hilton wannabes)
Drink: Iced Tea
Alcoholic drink: Vodka or Tequila
Letter: IC
Body part of opposite sex: Where do I start???
Pepsi or Coke: Coke (Gotta kick the habit though)
McDonalds or Jollibee: I like the fries in MCDonalds but I like everything else in Jollibee.
Strawberry or watermelon: Strawberry. (Except for my hand sanitizer, it's kiwi Melon. Is that the same??)
Hot tea or iced tea: Iced tea
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate but I prefer whit chocolate
Hot chocolate or coffee: Hot chocolate
Kiss or hug: Both
Dog or cat: Dogs, I can't stand cats.
Rap or punk: Punk
Summer or rainy season: Rainy season. I just wanna curl up in bed and feel lazy.
Scary movies or funny movies: Funny. I can tolorate scary movies but be ready to be attacked if you watch with me! You'll end up bruised.
Bedtime: 2 am
Most missed memory: Not having a care in the world.
Best physical feature: I'm not sure I have one. Hahaha
First thought after waking up: "Five more minutes!"
Goal for this year: Be emotionally stable.
Weakness: Shoes, shoes, shoes!
Fears: Knives
Ever drank: Duh, yeah.
Ever smoked: Occasionally. Trying to quit now.
Ever been drunk: Uh, yeah.
Ever been kissed: Seriously.
Ever been in love: Unfortunately, yes. Just once, I'm not planning on repeating that mistake anytime soon though. (No. I am not bitter!)
Favorite eye color: Blue. Sigh. I Wish! Haha. Anything. Doesn't matter.
Favorite hair color: Brownish?..Whatever, doesn't matter.
Short or long hair: Doesn't really matter as long as he doesn't look like a slob.
Height: Definitely has to be taller than me
Style: I like em rockin' and I like em clean and smart. Again, as long as he isn't a slob, please.
Looks or personality: Personality, hands down.
Hot or cute: Hotttt.
Drugs and alcohol: Uhm... hehehe. Don't make me answer this one.
Muscular or skinny: Neither. Muscular guys give me the creeps and skinny guys, well they look kinda funny.
Number of regrets in the past: 2 (1, some guy I shouldn't have hooked up with. 2, where I went to college, I shouldn't have let my family have any control over that)
What country do you want to visit: Italy! Greece! Switzerland!
How do you want to die: Doesn't matter as long as I've made my peace with things.
Do you like thunderstorms: No, not really. I lik the rain that comes with it though.
Health freak: Nope, not really.
Do you think you're attractive: Do I have to answer that?? I don't know, sometimes.
Believe in yourself: Hah!I think I over do it. I've actually been getting sooo much flak for doing so!
Do you smoke: Yes, occasionally. Hasn't this been asked already?
Do you drink: Yes, occasionally. This one, too!
Shower daily: Once or twice
Been in love: As I said, unfortunately yes.
Do you sing: Nope.
Do you dance: Yes!
Want to get married: I'm not sure yet.
Want to have kids: I'm not sure about this one either.
Age to lose virginity: Huh? Hey whatever works for you, man. It's your life and your virginity to lose.
Do you hate anyone: Uhm, no...not really. Almost, but not quite.

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