Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Ho hum

So I basically spen the whole weekend watching pirated DVDs. I was hooked on this new (well, at least in this country) tv series called "House". Another medical show that would somewhat remind you of CSI or some other forensic file type of show. The thing I like most about this show is the sarcastic humor of Dr.House, a controversial doctor who trusts no one, least of all his patients. Of course, it helps that I find one of his co-stars the australian Dr. Chase kinda cute. I'm into the smart-cute-silent type now.
Ok, so there's only so much tublerous sclerosis, sarcoidosis, arrhytmia and lumbar punctures one can take. After a while it can get kinda predictable and you get kinda tired of all the slicing and dicing of people. And the female doctor got a bit annoying in the end for always being so emotional, I would think that she is starting to give women a bad image. What I really liked though was that the Dr.House chose fellows who were real. Not only were they smart but they were grounded too, one even had a criminal record. And did I say I liked the dry wit and sarcastic humor of the cast. I learned a lot.
So yes, I don't think the weekend was a complete waste. I even took yesterday off since I really felt I over did it at work last week. I just might get more DVDs later...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.