Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Let it Rain!

I woke thinking that of an excuse not to go to work today. Who am I kidding? I think that everyday. Today was special though since I could use the thundering rain as an excuse. So I slept for a few more minutes, ok..30 more minutes. Being the good person I am though, I called in and told them I was going to be late. Apparently evrybody had the same sentiment so I when I got to th office there were only a couple of people.
I'm probably the only person enjoying the rain. I'm one of those few people who gets really happy when it rains. I can't help it, it's just perfect bed weather. And I do luv my bed.
I'm happy because last night was pretty fun. My friends and I decided to hold a get together in my place. There were about eight of us trying to squeeze in. Take note that my unit is probably only good for 4 people. I was tempted to ask the others to stand in the toilet but I thought that might be a bit rude. It was really fun though since I didn't have enough utensils so we had to go back to basics. It was either that or use chopsticks for roast chicken. We're nationalistic though so we ended up using our hands. Imagine what the Canadian people would have to say. Just try it buster! Ok, I'm getting side-tracked again. Anyway, it was great, we took some pictures and gossiped a lot. That's mostly how we spent the evening really, we gossiped and made fun of people. You should try it sometime, it's a great stress reliever. Much better than those squeegee balls.
So here I am. Wishing I took the day off, stayed in bed and watched DVDs. I'm now seriously thinking of buying some new DVDs. Maybe "Grey's Anatomy" just to see what the hype is all about. I was thinking of getting the latest season of "Gilmore Girls" but that might just be a bit too nerdy of me. Hmm, decisions decisions.
Shit. I have to get back to work.


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