Thursday, July 20, 2006


Seriously. It's an awesome word. Said correctly, it can convey sarcasm, dismay, disbelief, a sense of moral and ethical superiority and gentle chastising punishment all at once. Seriously.
Although it's been a long-standing expression of mine, I've picked it up again over the weekend during my Grey's anatomy DVD marathon. I actually finished season 1 & 2 during my weekend hibernation without any hiccups. Ok that was a weekend an a half. I decided to take the two days complimentary leave I had to give myself some "me" time. I quite liked it really, Grey's anatomy, if not for Meredith Grey being such a wimp and a disgrace to all women every now and then. But I guess it's here flawed nature that endears her to most viewers. Her lack of good judgement during a crisis reminds us all of ourselves. And who am I to judge really? If I myself am nothing but flawed as well. The thing I like most about shows like these though is that I get to play the 'what if?' game. I ask myself what would I do if faced with that kind of situation. Then I grade myself depending on the level of the intellectual and emotional maturity of my answers. I know, I really do need to get a life. But hey, it's all good.
Overall though, despite the fact that Meredith Grey is so spineless and Mcdreamy being a wimp, there are some charachters that help salvage the show. I cried buckets on the last show of the second season when Izzy fell in love with a heart transplant who in the end died. I also like Alex, probably the least liked of all five interns. He can be such an arrogant pig but I feel that there's really more to him than he's willing to show. I bet he is deliberately trying to be an ass to protect himself from geting hurt. I can't wait to see the third season and see how the characters of Izzy and Alex develop. One of my favorite scenes is when the wife of Mcdreamy, Addison, shows up and says to Meredith, "you must be the girl who's scrwing my husband". Hah! There's just something so satisfying in that kind of in-your-face attitude. (That says a lot about me huh?)
Well anyway, one of the reasons I went in hibernation last weekend was to figure out what I wanted to do in my life. Or at least what I wanted to do in the next year or so. I went through brochures and figured out my plan of action. First of all, I've finally scheduled an appointment with the freaking dentist. I know, big deal. But I've put it off for as long as I can so believe me when I say that this is a good thing.
I've looked into the classes I'd like to take, the tests, and some courses. I'm not going to go into details since I could be a bit superstitious about these things believing that if you tell the whole world then it won't happen. I still need to prepare a more detailed plan but I'm happy knowing that I'm on the road to recovery.


Lost said...


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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