Monday, October 23, 2006

Callah Teh

I've been taking spanish lessons for the past couple of months now. Yes, this is probably the 3rd time I took this course since College. You would think that I'd be fluent by now but, pathetic person that I am, I'm now on my 3rd venture trying to master a new language. Don't get me wrong, it's not because I failed the other 2 times I tried it, but because I was just too lazy to pursue it.
But I'm glad I'm doing it and that I'm taking it in Instituto Cervantes. Feels authentic. Like it's the real deal. I feel bad sometimes when I think about it though, like I wasted a lot of time. If I had just finished what I started back then I would be pretty fluent by now. Oh well.
What really sucks is that I just realized that I'm the oldest person in the class. Even older than the substitute teacher last saturday. It was at that moment I felt the urge to lie about my age. It was then I understoood what the fuss was all about.
Ridiculous. At 27 years old, I lie about my age. Shame!
P.S. I told the truth.


Anonymous said...

Hahahaha!! Age is only a number. Good for you for telling the truth! =)

Lost said...

I know! Shame on me for having such evil thoughts!Haha