Tuesday, October 10, 2006

So Sick

I've been feeling really sick lately. Sick in the sense of illness and not disgust ok? So I haven't really been up to updating my blog. It's just so stupid. My cough lasted for more than a month and I finally just got rid of it a couple of weeks ago and here I am again with a bad cold. No amount of Vitamin C or PPA seems to work. Also, I almost ended up in the emergency room the other weekend if not for my stubborness. I'm just hoping that it's just the weather or something like that since that is all the hypochondriac in me could handle.
I keep thinking of this episode on Grey's anatomy where this girl goes in for her routine check up and finds out that she has some kind of cancer and only has a few weeks to live.
So I took some test to find out my inner hypochondriac and here are the results:
I scored a 50 out of 100.
You appear to have some signs of hypochondriac, but not to any extreme point. You worry about unusual symptoms a bit more than the average person, and occasionally blow normal aches and pains out of proportion. It may be necessary to keep a close watch on our health and make the effort to stay "in touch" with our own bodies, but it shouldn't be something that causes major anxiety. You may want to keep your hypochondriac tendencies in check so they don't get the best of you.
Note: If you really do have some health problems, obviously, none of the above applies.
Yeah, the note says it all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nuthin' like a good dose of paranoia to spice up a hypochondriac's life. Hehehe.

Maybe you're not getting enough sun. You know, Vit. D. Along with it comes Vit. S (smog), Vit. G (germs), and Vit. V (verminous people).

Have a great day! =)