Thursday, October 12, 2006

A Complete Fucking Idiot Part 2

After my outburst yesterday one would think that I would be calm by now. Actually I'm not, but I'm handling it pretty well. I could've told him to his face to go fuck himself but I'm much better than that. I prefer to out-smart the other person and irritate him to hell then I tell him to go fuck himself.
Hah! I wish!
What do you do when your boss is a complete idiot? Do you kiss ass? Do you stick to your principles? Or do you just quit?
Unfortunately, I decided to stick it out. I'd like to say that I get a kick out of seeing the bastard having such a hard time of firing me but, as much satisfaction as that brings me, I simply get tired of all the games after a while.
The sad thing about it is that I put up with his kind of harassment just because I'm not ready to leave my comfort zone yet. I just keep telling myself soon. I'm getting myself out of this mess soon. Well, obviously it's not soon enough.
I swear, if only murder were legal.


Anonymous said...

Well, after you serve your sentence for the first one, you can't be incarcerated for the same crime. So..I gather it becomes legal after that?


Lost said...

Double jeopardy.

Don't tempt me. I'm seriously considering it for the good of all mankind.


twiddlebug said...

disgruntled workers unite!...we are all frustrated...weeeee!