Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I took the bus to my friend's house yesterday. And though commuting has never been a problem for me, this was one of those times I swore something bad would happen.
Getting off at a shady part of town was not a good idea especially when there were a group of thugs surrounding me. You should have heard the inner monologue I was having with myself. It went something like this:

You're going to get mugged! You're going to get mugged! You moron, you should have taken a cab! Shit, I should cross the street. What do I have in my bag? My celphone, my wallet. Fuck! The stuff, the pearls I have to send my mom. I can buy new ones. Shit, it would be a pain to buy a new celphone and shit, get new IDs with two freakin different names. No, you can do without those things. I hope I can get my sim card back. Maybe they'd just get the money and leave the wallet. Shit, I should have finished that course on self defense. I never finish what I start. Yes I do! Moron, there's five of them. Shit, this asshole is right behind me.

That's when I decided to jump in a cab and slap myself silly and get a grip. Yes, I too have an inner monologue. Yes, it's embarassing.

I didn't get mugged. But that was a really exhausting trip.


Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahahaahahahah!!!! I can SO relate to this.

Yesterday I went to Makati for a series of interviews. On my way home I decided to drop by my friend's condo.

I also commuted via MRT (and had exactly the same thoughts you had about the bus experience).

I got off at the Cubao station and walked the shady route from the platform to his condo....all the while my fist was clenched ready to slug it out with the adik-looking guy who looked at me... the dirty scoundrel who seems to be following me...

Oh, and I was wearing business formal attire. Talk about mug magnet. Tie, long sleeves, and overcoat. The works.

That probably was the longest 5 minutes of my life.

Lost said...

I guess our insticts are in perfect working condition then!

It's probably better to be prepared and paranoid than be caught unaware.

This happened to me again last night when my frind and I took the bus. (I swear, I rode that bus against my will!) The guy beside me had both his hands on his lap while his bag covered them (them meaning his hands!). At one point he was kinda laughing out loud,I guess he was happy!

Needless to say, my friend and I left him to his business whatever that was!

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha!! At least someone was having a good time on that bus.

Lost said...

Yes, good for him! :0