Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A Complete Fucking Idiot

Some people are just such fucking assholes. I swear, I wonder if they were born that way or if being a complete fucking idiot was something their stupid mothers taught them to be.
To each his own man. I'm a big believer in all that crap. One must do what one must do in order to be happy. Hey I'm an aquarian so more power to free will. But when idiocy takes over, and your compulsion to make people feel inferior then Fuck you!
The thing is, I also believe in Karma. So for now, aside from giveing that complete fucking idiot the evil eye, I am simply letting karma take its course. I am focusing all my energy so it affects his family and his only child. May she suffer three times as much as how her moron of a father make other people suffer.
What can I say? Cross me and I'm a bitch. He more than deserves it.
Too bad I work for the fucker.
Fuck this life!


Anonymous said...

Wahahaha!!! Love it!!

This post is SO in line with my Wicca entry. It's so strong that I actually felt the thought energy there.

Good solid curse. Excellent. =)

You rock fellow Aquarian. hehe

Lost said...

Yes, I was inspired by your entry. :)

I actually feel bad for the kid that her father is lower than scum but I bet that he would just pass on this trait to her.

Iim really really hoping that karma would get this bastard soon.