Monday, November 06, 2006


Why do people blog?

I don't know and I don't really care. Despite the fact that I enjoy reading other people's blog I'm really not here for others. I'm here for myself. Blogging is like therapy for me. After my short bout with some kind of stupid depression because of my stupid decisions, I thought blogging would be a good outlet for me. Blogging keeps the loneliness away. I can say what I want, post what I want without being judged. Or at least not care who passes judgement.

Selfish? Yes, maybe. But the way my life has been going for the past few years I firmly believe that I have the right to be selfish. So I refuse to apologize for whatever I post in my blog. You're bothered? Well, as I will eloquently put it, you can go fuck yourself.

Copyrights? Plagiarism? Hoo-bloody-kers?! I don't really give a flying fuck. As long as no one is getting hurt then I'm all for the promotion of freedom, cooperation and freedom of expression.

Here's the link in case you've never heard of such thing: CopyLeft

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wahahahaahah!! I actually laughed out loud at one line. (Well, as I will eloquently put it, you can go fuck yourself.)

Niiiiice. hehehe