Friday, November 17, 2006

Sleep...I need sleep

It's been such a long week for me. I've had to go to class after work everyday so I'm feeling really tired now.

Although I have short moments where I ask myself if it's worth it, I know that it is. One thing I regret is that I should've done all these things a few years ago then maybe I wouldn't be cramming so much. But I figured that it could worse, I could have taken all these exams and reviews a few years into the future instead of right now. So I should just shut up and pay attention in class.

I have to take major math reviews for the exam I'm planning to take. I went to class the other day, in the first five minutes my eyes were glazing over. After 10 minutes I had a major headache. I'm seriously going to need a miracle in order to ace this exam.

Still, there's something nice about taking classes again, something nice about learning the old fashioned way. Something about going back to a classroom after almost 7 years you know.

Anyway, I got our plane tickets to Singapore today. I asked my friend to send me a fax of her passport. I asked for the front page since it has all the details (Passport number, name, validity etc.). I also asked for the last page since this has the emergency contact numbers and your signature.

So she sent it to me, but she only sent me half the last page. The page for emergency contact numbers was missing, like a piece of paper covered it. I asked her about it, apparently she did cover it since she wrote down her OWN contact numbers.

Gee, in case of an emergency and anything happens to me, like death for me.

What can I say? She said she wasn't breastfed when she was a kid. Now I know what happens.


Anonymous said...

well hun that is probably something I would do, hold on a min just let me check if I did the same(shoot No I did'nt do, I have just left it blank) best fill it in thanks for the reminder ehehheehe

katy said...

dont think i could face going back into a class room, go for it and good luck to you

Lost said...

Well, jo..leaving it blank is definitely better than writing down your own name. hahaha

thanks indoors! I need all the luck I can get!